Access a Scheduled or On Demand Training
To register or receive information for a training session that is already scheduled, or to access an on demand training, view Events & Training.
Request a Training
Schedule a free, either in-person or live on-line for your department or team for the day and time of your choice. Training courses are 60-90 minutes long and can be scheduled Monday to Friday from 7AM to 7PM within the Bay Area nine-county region. Courses can be provided during staff meetings, as breakfast or lunch-and-learn opportunities or other convenient times.
Each BayREN course is ICC CEU certified, and each registrant will receive 0.1 CEUs upon completion. Training topics can be offered individually or as a series to address specific energy code compliance strategies and best practices.
Descriptions of all training courses are available in our Course Catalog.
Complete and submit the form below to get started.
To be notified of BayREN Codes & Standards Trainings, Forums, and special event promotions, please contact codes@bayren.org to be added to the email list.