Other Resources
This page provides links to model ordinances, cost-effectiveness studies and other resources for local governments working on developing a reach code.
Cost-Effectiveness Studies
Local governments can only require increased energy efficiency when it is cost effective. Most cost-effectiveness studies are prepared by the Statewide Utilities’ Codes & Standards Team and can be accessed on their local energy codes website.
Model Reach Codes and More
A team of organizations including BayREN have developed model reach codes for use by local governments:
- The Local Energy Codes website has model ordinances in the “5 Paths to Reach Beyond” section
- The Clean Building Compass website provides links to model ordinances and other supporting information
- East Bay Community Energy, Peninsula Clean Energy, and Silicon Valley Clean Energy have a website with model ordinances, template staff reports, and more related to building electrification and EV infrastructure reach codes. Member agencies of these organizations may receive free technical support for stakeholder engagement and code customization if necessary.
Reach codes that have been adopted by other nearby jurisdictions can also serve as model ordinances (see below for links to adopted reach codes).
Adopted Reach Codes
- The California Energy Commission maintains a webpage with links to all adopted reach codes in the state.
- The Statewide Investor-Owned Utilities’ Reach Code Team provides information about adopted reach codes in both list and map format at the bottom of this webpage
California-Specific Reach Code Resources
- California Energy Commission
- Statewide IOU Reach Code Team
- Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition